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“ big as it needs to be.”

April 26, 2011 in Blog, Library, Quotes

“What could be better than people who don’t have access to knowledge getting the ability to find out whatever it is that they want to find out?” she says. “And that’s what I think is so gorgeous about Wikipedia — it’s this limitless space; it can be as big as it needs to be. It can actually contain the sum of everything that we know, right?”

— Sue Gardner, Wikipedia director

Source: Fascinating article on the evolution of Wikipedia.

Perhaps a few nuggets to chew on as we daydream the future of K-12 libraries together.

“This is the time – this is the place…”

April 26, 2011 in Blog, Library, Quotes

“I know that tomorrow you’ll be dealing with broken printers, and shelving backlogs, and the rising costs of subscriptions.

But you must look up. You must never make what you do replace why you do it. And if you can’t link broken printers and shelving to the grand challenges of our society, then you ought to ask why you are doing them.

We must stop reacting to the world around us and start inspiring it! For too long have we defined the core of our profession – service – as standing ready to serve. No one ever changed the world by standing ready. We do it through action.

This is the time – this is the place – we are the people.”

– R. David Lankes

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